Lévitique 10:3
Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.
Psaumes 89:7
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.
Ecclesiaste 5:1
Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.
Hébreux 12:28
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
Hébreux 12:29
For our God is a consuming fire.
1 Pierre 1:16
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.